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Why Scalp Microneedling Helps Hair Loss

Scalp Microneedling

Microneedling for hair growth, also known as scalp microneedling or dermarolling, is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using a handheld device called a dermaroller or dermapen with fine needles to create tiny punctures in the scalp. The process stimulates the natural healing response of the body, leading to potential benefits for hair growth.

Here are some key benefits of micro-needling for hair growth:

  1. Increased blood circulation: The microneedles penetrate the scalp, creating controlled micro-injuries. This stimulates blood flow to the hair follicles, promoting nutrient delivery and oxygen supply. Improved blood circulation nourishes the hair follicles and encourages hair growth.

  2. Activation of hair follicles: Micro-needling triggers the release of growth factors and cytokines, which are responsible for signaling the dormant hair follicles to enter the active growth phase. This activation can potentially lead to thicker, healthier hair.

  3. Enhanced absorption of hair growth products: Micro-needling creates tiny channels in the scalp, allowing better absorption of topical hair growth products. When applied immediately after the procedure, serums or solutions containing hair growth-promoting ingredients such as minoxidil or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) can penetrate deeper into the scalp, optimizing their effectiveness.

  4. Stimulation of collagen and elastin production: The microneedling process induces the production of collagen and elastin, which are essential proteins for maintaining the strength and elasticity of the scalp. This can improve the overall health of the scalp and create a favorable environment for hair growth.

  5. Reduction of scalp inflammation: Inflammation on the scalp can disrupt the hair growth cycle and contribute to hair loss. Microneedling has shown promise in reducing inflammation by increasing the production of anti-inflammatory molecules, potentially improving the conditions for hair regrowth.

It's important to note that individual results may vary, and the effectiveness of microneedling for hair growth depends on factors such as the underlying cause of hair loss, overall health, and consistency of treatment.

Does PRP for hair loss work?

Platelet-Rich Plasma or PRP therapy has become very popular as an effective treatment for hair loss.  It works because PRP has close to five times the number of platelets found in normal blood.  These platelets have a number of growth factors that when injected into the scalp stimulates hair growth by encouraging the rejuvenation of follicles and extending the growth cycle of the hair.  Many patients have seen much success from PRP application for hair loss.

What does PRP treat?

PRP for hair restoration is commonly used in both men and women.  Patients who receive PRP therapy during the early stages of hair loss tend to see the best results.  Anyone experiencing any form of hair loss is essentially a good candidate for PRP. 

What are the benefits for PRP hair restoration?

  • Thinning Hair

  • Bald Spots

  • Hair Shedding

  • Patches

  • Widening parts

  • Receding hairline

  • Alopecia

How does PRP application for Hair Regrowth work?

A medical professional will use a PRP Kit to draw the patient’s blood and spin their blood in a Centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the platelet rich plasma. Next the phlebotomist will apply the highly concentrated platelets, which contain cytokines and other growth factors into the patient's hair follicles and hair roots after the Microneedling section. A person’s hair follicles and hair roots need to be healthy to achieve optimal hair growth. Using the patient’s own blood plasma increases the blood circulation to the hair follicles helping the growth of new healthy hair.

How much does PRP for hair loss cost?

Many patients choose to solve their hair loss needs with PRP therapy because it is a nonsurgical less expensive option to other hair restoration treatments.  PRP hair therapy can start at approximately $300 per treatment and can vary depending on the areas being covered, the number of treatments needed, the type of treatment methods and types of solutions used during treatment in combination with Microneedling are (PRP, PRF, etc).

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